On learning grace.

I’m learning to extend grace to previous versions of me — warm hands to hug the person I was sometime in the past. We often learn more in the future than we know now, and we forget that our decisions were made by the more ignorant person were — an hour ago. Yesterday. Three months ago. Five years ago. So I forgive the version of me who was so tired in the morning, he forgot to turn on battery saver on my pc. I forgive the person I was on Monday who let an opportunity slip past because of an oversight. I forgive the person I was last week, who underestimated how much time I would need for my day-to-day. I forgive the person I was a few months ago, who let grief and fear lead his decision making. & I forgive the person I am now, who had somehow not let all these things go, but is learning to. Slowly. Daily.

Comments (6):

  1. Victoria

    December 4, 2022 at 8:25 pm

    that bit about forgiving the present self who is somehow unable to let go of the past is so relatable. I at times find myself still mad at myself over mistakes made years before but then I’m learning to let go and just forgive myself in baby steps

    • Victory Okoyomoh

      December 5, 2022 at 3:01 am

      Baby steps ?

      I’m learning too. I hope we get there soon.

  2. VVV

    December 4, 2022 at 8:27 pm

    I guess kindness to oneself is literally the hardest but thanks for the reminder, Victory.

  3. Zimoni

    December 4, 2022 at 9:21 pm

    I’ve missed you and your, sometimes graceful other times far from graceful, pieces. lol. I enjoyed reading this and it made me feel better.

    • Victory Okoyomoh

      December 5, 2022 at 3:02 am

      I’m glad it made you feel better ?

      Apologies for not being very consistent lately. A lot has been happening.


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