Category: Poetry

On learning grace.

I’m learning to extend grace to previous versions of me — warm hands to hug the person I was sometime

Don’t let go of me.

I think we all need people who don’t let go of us. Because sometimes, you don’t know what’s good for

My body is a home for you (loving you is a lesson in accommodation)

Some days, loving you is learning a new meaning of accommodation. It is figuring out, on the go, that my

loving you is (not) a miracle.

Blissful nights when you tell me that finding me is god’s gift to you. That there must be someone up

anxious attachment in 6 verses

This book I read about attachment styles says I’m an anxious lover. So, although you have only been gone for all of two seconds, I miss you with all of my being…

amen & thank you.

your body is a perfection I wield against you, for us.

Good people never die.

Rest in Peace, Uncle.

grief poems are just love poems on dark mode.

“…and what is grief but love persevering?”

the science of loving you.

there is no science for loving you, but let me try, my love.

Before the morning comes.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”