
the version of me that is awake at twelve thirty am, loves you a little differently than you’re used to.

the version of me
that is awake at twelve thirty am
loves you a little differently
than you’re used to

my self esteem sets with the sun
by evening my mind is already
on a downward spiral
the first fragment to fall off the titanic
on collision. my mind
is the broken piece that doesn’t make
it to the movie.

by eleven pm
it hits sea bottom, but I’m sure
there’s an explanation for how rapidly
my sanity sinks. each blink
is mileage for my unbecoming
I’m recoiling into myself

but you are here

the version of me
that is awake at twelve thirty am
loves you a little differently
than you’re used to

his mind is a separate construct
from his body
and when you
touch me, there is some
interdimensional magic
doing undoing being unbecoming

loving you is somatic
every cell screams your name
in joyous unison. oh sinner finding salvation
this body of angels is your home
your kisses are my hallelujah and I

this shipwreck
is my body split in two
and somewhere in this colossal mess
at twelve thirty am
is our love beating,
while my body dies

Comments (2):

  1. Happy

    February 12, 2022 at 7:31 pm

    Your kisses are my hallelujah and I transcend has got to be my favorite line in the poem. A really beautiful piece


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