Good people never die.

Rest in Peace, Uncle.

Death is a stranger to the memories
of those who live their lives drenched in kindness
which is to say,
that good people never really die
and you can never really fully leave this plane
in the cold hands of the grim reaper
if you already reached out your warm arms
to touch a soul, or two, or sixty-two

They say the beautiful ones are not yet born
I say no one is beautiful until they’ve lived
and you have lived a life so beautiful,
I imagine the angels were so excited to welcome you home
that they took you away from us a little too early.

We share photos of you
& pray that you rest in peace 
I hope that our prayers are futile
because peace already found you
in this world & became your best friend
before you transitioned into the next.

Once, in a conversation we had, I asked you
a question about peace and conflict
and before you had elaborated on your answer
you demonstrated it in a reflexive action
Selflessness was your reflexive action
& I learnt from you that
the one who fills others from his own soul
is never empty

I will carry you in my thoughts 
As you carried me in your actions
I’ll emboss you in my memory 
As you imprinted me with your love
& whatever the man I become is,
I hope that he’s made of the same stuff
that is in you

They say the beautiful ones are not yet born
I say no one is beautiful until they’ve lived
& you were truly beautiful, Uncle
& true beauty never fades,
& it never dies.

Comments (2):

  1. Richmond Esosa

    May 7, 2022 at 10:04 pm

    Beautiful piece! Pray for comfort for you Bro?


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